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6 items found for ""

  • Free Consultation

    A consult with a therapist is a short meeting to determine if the therapist would be a good fit for you. Consultations are generally pretty informal. It’s a chance to get to know each other. It’s also a chance for the therapist to get a sense of what your presenting problem is and make sure they feel they can competently treat you. A therapist has an ethical duty to refer you to other therapists that they think would be a better fit for you if they don’t feel able to treat you. You should not expect any real therapy to take place in the consultation. Therapeutic work starts in the first full session after the consult. One of the most important parts of a consultation is that it gives the client a chance to ask the therapist some questions. As the client, you should feel empowered to ask the therapist any questions you have, especially if getting the answers will help you to feel more comfortable talking to the counselor.

  • Family Therapy

    If your family is going through a tough time -- whether it's from stress, anger, or grief -- family therapy can make a difference. It can help couples, children, or members of an extended family learn to communicate better and work through conflicts. Sessions are led by a specialist called a family therapist. They could be a psychologist, social worker, or therapist who's had extra training in family therapy. How Can Family Therapy Help? Problems in your family can affect all areas of family members' lives. You and your loved ones might notice trouble cropping up at work, at school, or in everyday interactions with other people. When it feels like the issues in your family are too big for you to handle -- and aren't getting better -- it may be time to see a family therapist. They can help you find new ways to manage struggles, conflicts, and challenges. Some of the things that family therapists can help with are: Conflicts between family members Substance abuse or addiction A family member's mental illness Financial problems or disagreements about money Problems in school Difficulties between siblings Children's behavior problems Caring for a family member with special needs Issues with extended family members A family member's illness or a death in the family Infidelity Separation or divorce How to plan for shared custody of children

  • Covenant Care Counseling Center

    At Covenant Care not only do we provide affordable therapy to diverse communities of the greater Beloit Stateline area. Our goal is to empower everyday people to tell their story, understand themselves, and make a difference in their lives and their communities. I am a socially conscious therapists providing high quality, confidential therapy to individuals, couples, and families from all walks of life. No insurance? No problem. We are a self pay only counseling Center. We offer a sliding scale, so reach out today and see if Covenant Care is right for you.

  • Transforming Grief

    The Transforming Grief support group offers a different quality of support and connection that comes from being with people who have experienced a loss. A compassionate 6-week workshop that allows participants to work on their own recovery, alongside others, utilizing grief recovery tools.

  • Trauma Therapy

    Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. ​Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea. While these feelings are normal, some people have difficulty moving on with their lives. Psychologists can help them find constructive ways of managing their emotions.

  • Couples Counseling

    Couples counseling focuses on improving relationship satisfaction and conflict resolution between couples. Whether through in-person or online couples therapy, the ultimate goal for us to partner together to help build a healthy relationship and solve any possible issues.

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